Tuesday 7 January 2014


I don't know about you, but I hate these days.

When you feel disconnected from everyone
 and you can't focus properly. 
It's days like today where I feel the most vulnerable. 

As though my mind drags me down into my sorrows
 and buries me in the ice of my thoughts.
I don't like this because I want to feel better. 
And days where I can't function properly don't help. 

It's the day where you want to sing how you feel
through the depths of the sea
and open up a paint jar
while snuggled up with mouth biting tea

and you feel so torn
and beat

that nothing feels right.
but you realize the difference.
the sensation of 'why?'

because of the heart
that draws everyone together
is severing my thoughts
and making us wither

but it's okay.
it's just one of those days.


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