Friday 1 May 2015

To a Person With Flames Under Their Feet and the Sky in Their Heart

You deserve a thousand flowers
for the thousands of cracks in your heart. 
You deserve millions of stars to bend at your whim
to help your inner mind restart. 
You deserve a billion fish for your eyes to watch
and your infinite love to admire. 
You deserve an infinite amount of expression
to redirect the sickly flames from the fire. 
But how can a person be gifted the sky,
When it is not meant to be packaged and given away?
But when you look up at the night sky
realize that 
'the world is your oyster' 
and you've made it thus far. 
It's scary, but necessary
and that doesn't make this right. 
But you've been doing so well. 
You've been struggling to fight. 
You deserve a vast amount of things
but you did not deserve this. 
And I know your heart may be shaken
and your mind may be numb, 
but look at how you've been awaken.
And when you look back, you'll see you've won.

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