Thursday 19 November 2015

A Memory

A simple memory passed through his mind.
Where was he heading?

A hushed wind blew over the hills, and he saw his old self standing on the top of the grassy dune.  His chest heaved. 
That's right, he ran.  
He had forgotten. 
His eyes looked upon the rising sun, and the stark yellows being blown across the lightening sky. 
Why did he come up here?
What made watching a sunrise make you feel content?
What made watching it make you feel in company?

He inhaled a chilled breath of air and pondered.

His thoughts dropped to Julie.  
Wondered... where she was.
Wondered... what she was doing. 
Just simply... wondered.

His eyes looked down below him, and he watched waves crash against the cliff.

His memories reached back to the last day.
She was tear stained.  
Her short black hair was frizzy and unkempt.
Her red lips were puffy and quivering.

His legs were shaking.

He reached for her, but she stepped backwards.
"Get out."

He stepped forward.

It felt like she ripped his heart out.
She was angry. 
This would pass.
She didn't mean it.

Another step.

He reached out again.
She screamed.
Why was she resisting?

Another step.

He felt defeated. 
Why is this coming up?
Out of the blue?
Julie... Julie listen.
I didn't mean to. 

He could hear the waves clearer now.

Her face.
Red lips.
Black hair.

He felt the wind as he grew closer to the ocean.

Red lips.
Black hair.

He was so close now.

Red lips.
Black hair.

He felt like he was flying.

Red lips.
Black hai- 

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